Host @FlyShadeRay is back with season 4 Episode 1 of #TTTPodcast ! NEW Season Alert!! Fly$hadeRay sits down with the Dev T. Smith! Who’s a Storyteller for hip hop creative culture through his journalism by documenting and producing films as well as being a content strategist for several brands. Dev sat down for two hours to provide free game for all who decide to press play. We discussed everything under the sun from Kanye west rants, Knowing and leveraging your worth as creative, what it means to be black in America and more!..BE INSPIRED Follow Talk That Podcast on IG & Twitter @TTTMediaCo Follow The SoundCloud & Subscribe To The iTunes Podcast. Thanks For listening! comment, Like, Repost & tell a friend. F$ Ray!
“There's a point in time when you just can't "Do it for the culture" you have to understand your value within the culture.” - Devin T. Smith